Wednesday , October 16 2024
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Child marriage and the right to education

Child marriage and the right to education

“ArcDH: Human Rights Violations, Discrimination, Child Marriages, and Denial of Education Rights for Azerbaijanis in Iran”

The ArcDH Association, during the 57th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council on September 20, 2024, voiced deep concerns regarding the ongoing discrimination faced by Azerbaijanis in Iran. In the general debate on the promotion and protection of all human rights, ArcDH emphasised that the Azerbaijani Turks children are still denied access to free education in their native language, which remains prohibited by Iranian authorities. This violation directly contradicts Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which guarantees the right to education.

ArcDH highlighted that the Islamic Republic of Iran consistently neglects its obligations towards minority nations, including failing to protect them from the consequences of climate change. Moreover, Iran has not implemented the 2030 Agenda, resulting in widespread poverty. Linked to this poverty, child marriages persist, particularly in the Western Azerbaijan region, where an alarming 42% of marriages involve children.

The Iranian authorities have recently banned the release of statistics related to child marriages, adding to concerns about transparency. Furthermore, ArcDH condemned the government’s failure to provide adequate protection for children in earthquake-affected areas, where many are forced to study in makeshift shelters under extreme weather conditions—facing temperatures as low as -10°C in winter and up to +39°C in summer.

ArcDH urgently calls on the international community to pressure the Iranian government to uphold minority rights and to end these serious violations of human rights.