Tuesday , October 22 2024

Thirteenth Session of the Forum on Minority Issues – OHCHR

Hate speech, Social Media and Minorities

Dear Chairperson,

Although minorities worldwide are abused by racists in social or state media, racism in Iran is sponsored by the State. Racists in Iran even defend their position!

Waging hatred against Azerbaijanis in Iran is a norm in school curricula and practiced in every opportunity including schools, sports and media. They often prey on Azerbaijanis’ accent and are even liken Azerbaijanis to COVID 19. The dignity of Azerbaijanis is continually breached.

The Iranian Cyber Army controls virtual media and feed them by misinformation, hatred and create conflict by using fake names and foul language.

How can we prove all these? One simple proof is that there is no individual in Iran to have been successfully prosecuted and convicted. Instead, literally thousands of antiracist Azerbaijani activists have been arbitrarily prosecuted and includes two journalists: Yaver Sultani and Ferid Mehemmednejad both in Maku and each sentenced for one year.

Time is now to condemn racism in Iran against Azerbaijanis. Our NGO, ArcDH, demands that effective steps are taken now:

  • to require Iranian authorities to curb racial hatred against Azerbaijanis.
  • to require verifiable evidence against racism, as per UN conventions undersigned by Iran.

Arc Association for the defence of Human Rights of Azerbaijanis in Iran ArcDH

For and on behalf of ArcDH